PinnedPublished inA Woman in TechnologyThe Stupidity ManifestoThis post has now been moved to my Wordpress blog (In Simple Terms), so that people can sign it without having to have a Medium account…Oct 4, 202325Oct 4, 202325
PinnedPublished inA Woman in TechnologySudbery Software Engineering LtdI’m an independent technical coach, with 23 years of software engineering experience, offering a variety of services.Apr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023
Published inA Woman in TechnologySurviving and thriving in techHelp and support for women and under-represented gendersJan 5, 20241Jan 5, 20241
Published inA Woman in TechnologyPeople TogetherOften these days I find myself wondering, “What will I do if everything falls apart?” And by everything, I mean society. The world. The…Dec 31, 2023Dec 31, 2023
Published inA Woman in TechnologyLet’s stop making each other feel stupidI’ve been delivering a talk with the same title as this blog post for a few years now. It’s a popular talk, and a topic that’s close to my…Oct 4, 2023Oct 4, 2023
Published inA Woman in TechnologyRefactoring: This class is too largeThis is a cross post — the article is published over here on 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Pentagrams, Pentagons, Doodles and TrigonometryI don’t normally do this, but I couldn’t decide whether this post belonged on my other blog or this one. The other is for notes, and this…Feb 11, 2019Feb 11, 2019
Published inA Woman in TechnologyHack Manchester 2018 — Best in ShowSomething very exciting happened this weekend — a team of amazing talented women and I entered the 25-hour Hack Manchester 2018 hackathon…Oct 31, 2018Oct 31, 2018
Published inA Woman in TechnologyVideos of talks, interviews and live codingVideos of live codingMay 7, 2018May 7, 2018